Referral For Personal Training with Lexi Darko
Lexi Darko is a mobile personal trainer residing in the Port Credit/Etobicoke area. Lexi became a trainer back in 2019, but fitness has been a big part of her life for the past six years.
Lexi has the most optimistic and uplifting bubbly personality, she shows up for her clients in every way, and she can develop a workout plan and schedule that suits your specific needs and goals. Both men and women of all ages are welcome. AND she will come to you for your scheduled workout sessions. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your home! No need for public gyms and judging looks, its just you, Lexi, and the goals you're ready to crush! Lexi approaches fitness in a way that gets her clients excited about their personal fitness journey and the positive changes they're making to their individual lifestyle.
Rates range from $50-$70, depending on length and frequency of sessions.
Message from Lexi*
"When I was young, I always struggled with my weight. I was bullied by others, and even bullied myself because of the way I look. It had been that way for as long as I could remember. I was sick of being the "fat" friend, and hated what I saw in the mirror. One day, I decided that something had to change and I turned to fitness. I went from 200 pounds, to 155 in just a year and a half.
As time has gone on and I have aged, my weight has fluctuated, but I continue to listen to my body, and adjust as it needs. I continue to gain strength both physically and mentally as I pursue my journey.
My mission is to share my knowledge with others. If you are in the same place I was, or just need more assistance and support, come work out with me, I am here for you!!"
Contact Lexi personally to discuss your individual fitness needs/goals!
Instagram: @get_lexified
Phone Number: 647-990-7871