I am incredibly sorry for the lengthy hiatus. Preparing for my first gallery art show during pregnancy took quite a toll on my body. To the woman that have been blessed with breezy pregnancies, I deeply envy you, lol !

That being said, after having my beautiful daughter, I took a brief step back to immerse myself into that first year with my baby and enjoyed every single moment. 

Now that things have become less hectic in regards to the sleep deprivation lol, I am beginning to shift some free time back over this way to pick on up where we left off!  

I will be updating the store in the next coming weeks, and adding new pieces available for purchase, some of which were in the gallery show. 

Thank you to everyone for your continuous support, it means the world.

To my current clients waiting on commission pieces, I've greatly appreciated your understanding and patience during this transitional period. You won't have to wait much longer! 


Wishing everyone a wonderful 2024, and I'm excited to bring new stuff your way!


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