


HELLOOOOOO EVERYONE!  I am incredibly sorry for the lengthy hiatus. Preparing for my first gallery art show during pregnancy took quite a toll on my body. To the woman that have been blessed with breezy pregnancies, I deeply envy you, lol ! That being said, after having my beautiful daughter, I took a brief step back to immerse myself into that first year with my baby and enjoyed every single moment.  Now that things have become less hectic in regards to the sleep deprivation lol, I am beginning to shift some free time back over this way to pick on...

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"The Ground We Walk" Exhibit is now on!

"The Ground We Walk" Exhibit is now on!

  HEEEELLLLOOOOOO EVERYONE!!! AND HAPPY HUMP DAY!!  The time has come... The Helson Gallery of Georgetown presents "The Ground We Walk" by Melanie Mokrenko and Becky D'onofrio is now on in the Sisnett Lobby at The Halton Hills Cultural Arts Centre in Georgetown, ON. until July 17th.  "Becky's subtle water colours and Melanie's bold acrylics explore their shared interest in mindfulness and how we connect to the world around us."      I personally have 14 pieces on display, 13 of which are available for purchase at the box office in the Sisnett Lobby of the Halton Hills Cultural Centre.  I...

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Art Show and Book Talk

art show blog books recommendation's

Art Show and Book Talk

Hello everyone! And happy new year!! I hope everyone had a glorious holiday and you all feel refreshed and ready for the year ahead! That being said, I have some updates on my upcoming joint art show with Becky D'onofrio. Our show will take place during the months of June and July. The exact start and end dates of those months are still to come.  I also wanted to jump on here quick to talk about a book I recently finished. The book is called "Will" by Will Smith, with the help of Mark Manson.  I first heard of this...

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Hello Everyone!!!!!! Its been a crazy few weeks but things are starting to fall into place. Just last week, I received word that I will have my first gallery art show! It will be a joint show with my friend and fellow artist Becky D'onofrio.  Becky is not only a friend of mine from high school, but the very person to introduce me to my mentor Gary Brunt.   Becky has participated in other art shows over the years but this is a first for me, and I can't imagine anyone else I would choose to do my first show with....

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Long Time, No Talk

Long Time, No Talk

Helloooooo everyone! It has been a minute hasn't it. I have had a lot going on in the background last few months and I apologize for slipping on my blog posts.  I have recently relocated to a new region and getting settled! My other half and I purchased our first home and its been an amazing journey getting here.  Yet, not without its stresses and struggles haha! Because of relocating, I find myself a tad behind in my work which I'm now catching up on. I now have my studio office set up... well for the most part... the other...

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