Long Time, No Talk

Helloooooo everyone! It has been a minute hasn't it.

I have had a lot going on in the background last few months and I apologize for slipping on my blog posts. 

I have recently relocated to a new region and getting settled! My other half and I purchased our first home and its been an amazing journey getting here. 

Yet, not without its stresses and struggles haha! Because of relocating, I find myself a tad behind in my work which I'm now catching up on. I now have my studio office set up... well for the most part... the other day I decided to start my first mural in there so that will be an ongoing little project. 

I am also currently looking for an art representative/art agency to help me with promoting my work in more aspects than just online, as well as continuing to build my online presence. 

I am also hoping to volunteer at a couple of art galleries in the area I am in now, hoping to network with likeminded, creative people. 

One of the things I loved most about my time at Sheridan college was being in that type of atmosphere, discussing art on a daily. 

this new chapter is upon me and I am excited to see where it all will take me!


I hope everyone and anyone reading this is also doing well! With covid still around I know times have been trying not being able to see family and friends like we used to, I myself have had my fair share of down days. Finding some type of outlet to help you express and release any type of emotion you don't want to hang onto is very important in a time like this. Reading a book, painting your nails, writing, painting on canvas aha painting on anything! Even becoming more adventurous in the kitchen. I decided I would make my own pizza dough the other day. And I will say, for a first attempt, it came out verrry well! I can now never go back to buying pizza dough at the grocery store, it was so much easier to make than I had thought. Dough made from scratch, cream sauce also made from scratch, this pizza was made with so much love I could taste it in every bite! 

I will also add a little tidbit for a movie review, if your looking for a good movie to watch and you have Amazon Prime Video, "The Tomorrow War".

I don't want to give too much away but Chris Pratt, future alien invasion.

The story line was executed flawlessly and the cinematography was beyond anything I could have expected. 

This movie is a 12/10! 

If you watch it, you can shoot me an email at mrk.artcreations@gmail.com and tell me what you liked about this movie! And if you think I should add more movie/TV show reviews to my blog! Or if you'd like me to forward you the pizza dough recipe I used! 




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